Il-ħabib tiegħi – Matthew Schembri

L-aktar ħabib għal qalbi huwa Jethro Attard.  Jethro huwa l-akbar ħabib tiegħi għax hu dejjem jilgħab miegħi u joqgħod idaħħakni.  

Hu għandu xagħru spajki u għajnejh u s-suf t’ għajnejh huma kannella.  Aħna ilna ħames snin ħbieb.  Jien intir bil-ferħ meta nara lil Jethro.  Ahna l-iktar li naraw lil xulxin huwa meta nattendu għal-laqgħa tal-abbatini.  Aktar nitkellmu hemm milli l-iskola għax l-iskola ma mmorrux fis-sajf imma għal-laqgħa iva.  Fl-iskola noqogħdu nilagħbu b’ġugarelli jgħidulhom “Ninjago”.  Fil-bitħa jien u hu l-ħin kollu niġru wara xulxin.  Pero hu qatt ma qabadni għax jiena niġri aktar minnu.  

Xi darba nixtieq li mmur id-dar tiegħu jew inkella li hu jiġi d-dar tiegħi.  


Matthew Schembri

L-Aljen li ġie jżurni – Matthew Schembri

Darba waħda kont fis-sodda.  Kont rieqed fil-fond għax it-tim tiegħi rebaħ it-tazza tal-futbol u allura ħassejtni għajjien mejjet.

Jien kont qed noħlom fuq l-aljeni.  F’daqqa waħda smajt ħoss ġej mit-tieqa.  Kien hemm aljen żgħir u gustuż.  Dan l-aljen kien liebes il-flokk taċ-ċingi u qalziet u kalzetti ħomor u ħodor.  Il-flokk tac-cingi kien il-kulur favorit tiegħi, oranġjo.  Daħħaltu ġewwa u hu ntroduċa lilu nnifsu.  Aħna bdejna nilagħbu bil-WII.  Hu beda jilgħab u jaqra l-istruzzjonijiet.  Meta tgħallem jilgħab, beda sejjer tajjeb ħafna.  Imbagħad aħna għamilna logħba tax-xwabel.  Bid-daqqa li tani waqajt fil-baħar.  Bdejna nilagħbu iktar logħob imma xorta rebaħli.  L-aljen daqqlu l-arloġġ tal-vettura spazjali.  L-aljen tani ġugarell tal-aljeni u telaq.  Jien xejjirtlu u telaq lura lejn il-pjaneta tiegħu.

Jiena mort norqod fis-sodda.  Komplejt noħlom dik il-ħolma ta’ qabel.  


Matthew Schembri

L-Aljen li ġie jżurni – Neil Micallef

Darba waħda kont rieqed trankwill fis-sodda tiegħi.  Kont għadni ġej mill-baħar.

F’daqqa u l-ħin, smajt ħoss stramb.  Bqajt rieqed u erġajt smajtu.  Qomt u rajt aljen.  Ftaħt it-tieqa u għidtlu biex jidħol ġewwa.  Hu qalli li għandi dar sabiħa.  Staqsejtu biex nilagħbu.  L-aljen kellu għajneh ħomor, imnieħru żgħir u ħalqu kbir.  Tidx kemm ħadna gost nilagħbu flimkien.  U wara ftit hin ieħor, kien sarlu l-ħin biex jitlaq.  Ridt li dak il-ħin ma jgħaddix.


Imbagħad erġajt mort norqod bit-tbissima.  Qas kont naf jekk kinitx ħolma jew le.  Jien ħadt gost ħafna nilgħab mal-aljen.  

Neil Micallef

A Nightmare – Jethro Attard

Last year, I found myself in an old room with many spiders on the roof. It was dark and cold and the wind was roaring.

I was running very fast and hiding behind a huge tree. Someone was chasing me. When I stopped, I found myself in a very scary room and there were lots of doors with spiders. Then I found a big door and opened it. I found an ugly man and he was going to kill my friends. I went behind the ugly man and I knocked him over and killed him. I helped my friends to get out of the room. My friends thanked me. Then, when my friends and I got out of there, we saw lots of scary trees. When my friends and I moved behind the trees, one of the trees came to talk to me. It told me that it wanted to play with me and my friends.

Suddenly I woke up with a start, because my mum wanted me to go shopping with her. I felt over the moon with joy because it was just a dream. It was a beautiful adventure but I don’t want to be part of this dream anymore!  

Jethro Attard

A Nightmare – Matthew Schembri

I was in the bathroom on a terrifying night.  It was dark, cold and cloudy.  There was a thunder storm and it was raining heavily.  No one was outside.  I don’t know why.

My friends and I ran as fast as we could.  We hid behind the curtains to hide from the scary, ugly and big monster.  I saw the one and only, Freddy Krueger!  First he threw a dead person on Jethro.  Then Krueger killed him and blood came everywhere.  Jethro’s body was carried by Krueger.  He threw the body outside.  Neil hid in the cooker.  Krueger noticed that.  Neil didn’t move a single muscle.  Freddy was hungry so he cooked Neil.  So that left me, Jamie, Leander and Shaun.  Shaun got trapped in the toilet.  Freddy knocked him out in the toilet.  Krueger flushed Shaun.  Shaun ended up in the sewer.  Leander fell down the stairs.  Freddy shredded his body into million pieces.  Jamie hid in the grandfather clock.  Freddy changed the time.  The clock rang.  Freddy was holding Jamie.  I punched Freddy and Jamie escaped. 

A strange voice from Freddy filled up my mind.  It was my dad’s voice.  I woke up with a start.  I went outside and saw shredded shirts hung to the clothes line.  Was it Krueger?  Who knows?  Maybe it was a cat.  

Matthew Schembri

A Nightmare – Neil Micallef

Once up on a time, I was on the scary island.  There were tall and small trees, scary houses  and dead people.  It was dark.  There was a scary moon with big eyes, a large nose and the biggest mouth in the world.  The floor was full of mud and there were people with scary masks.  Then I saw the rain coming into my eye.

I was looking at the houses when I saw a door.  I was with my friends Jamie, Jethro, Matthew, Warren, Shaun and Leander.  I was the leader.  Then a scary guy came with a knife.  He tried to kill us.  Shivers ran down my spine.  He tried to kill my friends, not me, because I was two meters away.  The scary guy put the knife in front of my friends’ faces.  I ran faster than the wind.  I saved them.

Suddenly my friends were cheering me.  I was over the moon with joy.  I was happy because my friends were alive.  But the scary guy was still alive.  Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.  It was my sister.  I woke up and I realised that it was a night mare.  

Neil Micallef

Fenek għal Ġurnata – Matthew Schembri

Kont rieqed fuq siġra meta f’daqqa waħda, ġie saħħar u tefa’ ballun maġiku fuqi.  Din ġrat is-sena l-oħra.

Il-ġurnata ta’ wara, sirt fenek zgħir u ħelu.  Il-kulur tal-pil kien ikkulurit.  Denbi kien aħmar u blu.  Pero ma kellix mustaċċi.  Kont qed inħossni vera mdejjaq imma imbagħad drajt.  L-ewwel mort fil-kampanja ħalli niltaqa’ ma’ xi fniek.  Kien hemm fenek xiħ li beda javża lill-fniek dwar il-kaċċaturi.  Ġie kaċċatur li sparali imma ma mittx.  Il-fniek għamlu geddum sal-art.  Imbagħad xi ħadd rani u ħadni d-dar tiegħu.  Wasal bil-lejl u fl-aħħar sirt uman.

Il-ġurnata sebħet.  Wieħed tifel tani daqqa ta’ xkupa u jien ħrabt.  Jien għamilt ħafna ħbieb.  Issa erġajt sirt normali, xejn differenti.  Din l-avventura għoġbitni ħafna.  Nixtieq nerġa’ nsir fenek.  

Matthew Schembri

Fenek għal Ġurnata – Neil Micallef

Darba kont miexi fil-kampanja.  Xrobt ftit ilma u sirt fenek.  Din il-ġrajja saret il-ġimgha l-oħra.

Jien kont gustuż u żgħir.  Il-kulur tiegħi kien abjad.  Għall-ewwel ħassejtni ferħan ħafna imma wieħed mill-ħbieb tiegħi il-ħin kollu beda jiftaħar dwar il-ħajja tiegħu bħala fenek.  Missieru kien jgħidilna li min jiftaħar jaqa’ l-baħar.  Darba kien qed jiftaħar u veru waqa’ l-baħar.  Dik il-ġurnata qattajtha niġri u naqbeż.  Filgħodu mort dawra mal-ħabib tiegħi u bil-lejl mort nistrieħ fil-kampanja.

Jiena għamilt ħbieb ġodda.  Jisimhom Jamie, Shaun, Leander, Jethro, Matthew u Warren.  Immisjajthom ħafna lill-ħbieb tiegħi meta erġajt ġejt tifel.  Meta ġejt uman ħassejtni qisni fuq il-qamar.  Għogbitni din l-avventura.  


Neil Micallef

A Wonderful Present – Matthew Schembri

On January, the 17th, I received a wonderful present.  I was given this present because it was my birthday.  I fainted when I saw an XBOX 360 kinect. 

I was sleeping on my cosy bed when all of a sudden, I heard a creak.  I saw someone running away.  I went after the person but I trippped over something.  I got knocked out when I fell.  When I woke up I opened the weird box.  My eyes were wide open.  I thought it was a jack in the box but it wasn’t.  It was an XBOX 360 kinect.  I jumped over the roof with happiness.  It was black.  I thanked my family.

Now I’m all the time playing on it.  I play five hours everyday and my eyes turn red.  I love this present because there are many awesome XND on it.  


Matthew Schembri

A Wonderful Present – Neil Micallef

Last Christmas, I got a wonderful present.  I was given this present because it was Christmas day.  The present was a Lego Ninjago set.  When I opened the present, I was over the moon with joy.

I was at home waiting to open my presents.  I had many presents under the Christmas tree but the Lego set was the one I liked most.  At first, I thought it was a car.  I felt on top of the world when I opened the present.  I said,  “Thank you so much for the present you gave me”.

I am using this present all the time.  I love this present because I wanted it so much.  

Neil Micallef